The Importance of Preconception Vitamins
If you are considering having a baby at any time in the future, then you may have seen things like preconception vitamins and other such supplements available for purchase. But what are they and surely there is no need for vitamins, we all lead a perfectly healthy lifestyle, don’t we?
What are preconception vitamins?
The purpose of preconception vitamins is to help create a solid foundation for both mother and child in terms of enhancing the body’s natural ability to process what we put into our bodies and improving immune responses.
Preconception vitamins should help to give you a variety of different nutrients consisting of folate (folic acid), choline, iodine, and vitamin D. Studies show that one of the key requirements for a preconception vitamin should consist of having sufficient folic acid and vitamin D doses, as well as offering good nutritional support.
What do they offer?
Those early days of trying for a baby are so important to the development of our child, ensuring you are at the peak of health will give your potential child the very best of starts in life. The process starts well before they are born, from the process of sperm to egg, formation in the womb all the way through to their first talking and walking attempts.
There are several companies that offer different forms of supplements, but you want to be sure that the company has your best interests at heart. For example, when purchasing preconception vitamins in Australia by NutraCare you can be sure that in depth research and quality control has taken place, ensuring that you are receiving exactly what is says on the packaging.
Understanding that very few of us live the perfect lifestyle and as such promoting the option of enhancing our intake of certain vitamins can help us to reduce the risk of things like birth defects, something that folic acid which is a b-vitamin is well known for.
Vitamin D has also made an appearance in preconception studies too, showing that with the correct intake it could improve your chances of falling pregnant by up to 6 percent compared to women who have a deficiency.
What to do?
Like with anything that we put into our bodies, we want to be sure that they are having the desired effect and that we are getting the most benefit. As such, speaking with your GP or doctor about your thoughts and ideas of getting pregnant and what you should take might be worth it in the long run.
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