Premature Ejaculation – Common Sexual Dysfunction Treatment You Should Know

Premature Ejaculation (P.E.) is a temporary condition where sexual orgasm takes place before, after, or soon after vaginal penetration, with little or no voluntary control over the ejaculation. It’s the third most common sexual dysfunction in men. Among older men it is more common that premature ejaculation is the cause of lack of sexual satisfaction, low libido, and erection problems.

There are several ways to treat premature ejaculation. One way is through medication that includes drugs like anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These have been shown to be effective in treating PE and related conditions. While SSRIs such as fluoxetine and tricyclics are generally used to treat depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are used to treat PE as well.

But SSRIs are accompanied by a laundry list of potential side effects including constipation, dizziness, headaches, itching, and mouth dryness. This raises questions about using these as a treatment for premature ejaculation. Another drug, citalopram, is also used to treat PE and is known to cause erectile dysfunction, blunting orgasms, fatigue, nausea, sexual headaches, and nausea and vomiting. And there’s the question of how it affects a man’s ability to achieve an erection and maintain it during intercourse. Is it possible to find a drug that can provide relief without any side effects?

Researchers have recently been looking into non-pharmaceutical interventions that may help those suffering from PE and erectile dysfunction. The results of these studies are not encouraging. Low self-esteem, anxiety about ejaculatory problems, and preoccupation with “worthiness” of the penis have all been implicated in the process of prematurely ejaculating. While there is still no fool-proof way to stop PE completely, some promising interventions that have shown some promise are:

Men with lower baseline sperm mobility who ejaculate early are particularly vulnerable to PE. These men should begin to practice extending the time between orgasms, as well as increasing the amount of time they engage in intercourse before climaxing. Extensive exercises that stretch the PC muscle have been shown to help with ejaculatory control as well. In addition, a daily practice of kegel exercises has been shown to be helpful in reducing ejaculatory excretory dysfunction.

It’s important to keep in mind that this condition often occurs throughout a relationship, but it always seems to be an issue when sex becomes the central focus. Once you understand what causes premature ejaculation, it becomes much easier to treat it. Using the above techniques, coupled with the common sexual dysfunction treatment known as cognitive behavior therapy, you can regain your sense of self and find yourself enjoying sexual intercourse again.

The most common symptom of premature ejaculation relates to the inability to delay orgasm for more than a minute following penetration. But sometimes the difficulty can also occur in other sexual positions, even when masturbation is not involved. If you are having sex with your partner and suddenly have an orgasmic problem, there are a number of factors that can be contributing to this situation. There are also a number of treatment options for this condition, that you should consider.

Acquired premature ejaculation often develops after you have had previous orgasms without premature ejaculation problems. The fact is that having multiple orgasms without orgasmic difficulties will not necessarily develop the condition, although this may increase the odds of developing it. Sometimes this occurs because your partner has a greater or lower tolerance for discomfort. Or sometimes it occurs because your body has become used to a certain level of discomfort and stimulation that your penis can provide. In these cases it would be helpful if your partner was willing to allow you to continue intercourse until the point where orgasmic satisfaction is achieved, this can help keep premature ejaculation from developing.

A second common cause of the condition relates to a dysfunction within the pelvic floor muscles. Your Pelvic floor muscles are located inside of your body at the base of your urinary bladder. These muscles control and guide the movement of sperm within the uterus and fallopian tubes. A dysfunction in these muscles can greatly decrease pleasure and lead to premature ejaculation as well. It is very important that you identify this dysfunction so that you can seek out treatment that addresses the issue.

There are a number of symptoms that you may experience as a result of psychological causes. For example, you may begin to feel anxious or frustrated during intercourse. You may begin to lose erection or lose interest in sex. Premature ejaculation often goes hand in hand with feelings of anxiety or frustration, so it is wise to consult a PE treatment clinic for premature ejaculation if this is becoming a consistent problem. There are a number of ways to treat premature ejaculation depending on its cause.

SSRIs, an antidepressant, are available and can help in many cases. Your doctor will be able to discuss these options with you and help you determine the best choice for you. Common side effects include cold hands and feet, dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. SSRIs have been known to cause a drop in libido, but they do have many benefits including, energy, mood enhancement, and mood stabilization. The lowest possible dosage of this drug can effectively treat your sexual dysfunctions and can help prevent premature ejaculation and erection problems as well.

Another common treatment is Dapotexine. This drug, also available as a syrup, has been known to help many individuals with this problem. Dapotexine works by decreasing nitric oxide production and it blocks the reabsorption of serotonin. This allows for longer and more sustained erections and can help in delaying ejaculation as well. With this option you should discuss any health issues you may have with your doctor and take the necessary precautions. Most males that are suffering from Premature Ejaculation or erectile dysfunction will find relief with one of these treatment options.

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