Who Needs Health Insurance?

Health is so important that everyone should enroll in a health insurance plan. Health care costs are way too expensive to pay for on your own, there are ways to find an affordable health insurance plan. Medical expenses can put you in debt or cause your home to go into foreclosure. If you are looking for a health insurance provider, there are a few things you should consider before purchasing a policy.


Your plan can have a family deductible and you may have to pay deductibles for every individual family member included in your policy. Single deductibles usually cost less than family deductibles. As soon as a family member reaches their deductible their insurance policy is activated. When the family deductible has been paid off, the insurance policy for your entire family begins.

Low income

Even if you have a low income, you still may be able to receive Medicaid.

Medicaid is health insurance created for people who have a low income. If your wages fall within a certain percentage of the poverty line you may be able to receive a subsidy from the health insurance organizations.

It is important to put safeguards in place. Health problems can be a financial nightmare if you do not have insurance.


Your parent’s health insurance policy will cover you until you are 26 years old. You can easily talk to your parents and ask them to let you stay on their insurance plan.

In addition to this, you can talk to your college or university about their health insurance plans. If you are attending a university that is in another state talking with your university about health insurance may be the best choice. Your parent’s plan may not have coverage in another state.

Senior Citizens

Individuals who are older than 65 can receive Medicare. Like Medicaid, Medicare is a government plan, but the key difference is senior citizens are covered throughout old age.

Pregnant Women 

Most insurance plans that qualify include insurance policies for pregnancy and childbirth medical services. ACA demands health policies that qualify list childbirth and post-pregnancy care as a top ten primary benefit. This ensures that even if you are pregnant prior to your insurance plan beginning.


New freelancers who have recently left a full-time W-2 career. There are options to help you stay on your former employer’s insurance plan until you find a new plan.

If you are unable to enroll in your previous plan you can qualify for unique registration time to help you weigh your options and buy a new insurance plan.

Married without children

Married couples without children can opt-out of buying family insurance plans. You have the option to purchase two different plans from different two businesses. You are also able to buy a family health insurance plan from the insurance market.


Veterans can qualify for health insurance from the Department of Veteran Affairs. The ACA does not affect veterans’ healthcare benefits.

If you are an active military service member then you are already enrolled in an insurance plan and do not need to enroll in another plan.

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