5 Top Concepts in the Hair Transplant Procedure

An Introduction to Hair Transplants:

The hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the transferring the hair roots/follicles from the one part of the body to the areas where baldness or hair loss appears, i.e., the scalp or the face; includes the beard, moustache and eyebrows. The part of the body or the scalp from where the hair roots are extracted to fulfil the implantation process is known as the donor portion, whereas the body or the scalp part where the hair roots are transplanted is known as the recipient areas. However, the hair transplant procedure is a simple and the most result-oriented cosmetic procedure that offers the permanent hair back in the most natural manner. The hair transplant in Kolkata has an increasing appeal due to the increasing number of cases and the cost of hair transplant in Kolkata offers you the budget-cost option attract clients from many other states in India.

  1. Is Hair Transplant Permanent?

Obviously, the procedure of hair transplant gives you the best outcomes in terms of receiving the permanent hair roots as the excision is focused to perform only from the safe donor part of the scalp, i.e., the back and sides of the scalp. The safe donor part of the scalp is the back and sides that are scientifically known as the occipital and parietal part of the scalp. The safe door part of the scalp is actually resistant to the effect of the DHT-sensitivity. The permanency in the character comes from the resistivity towards the DHT as it doesn’t show the effect of miniaturization or hair loss. The plus point for the transplanted hair roots is their retaining the resistivity despite being transplanted to another location on the scalp or body, hence maintaining the permanency nature and offers the best permanent result of the procedure.

  1. The Technique of Hair Transplants:

There are two types of scientifically proven techniques of hair transplant, known as the FUT hair transplant and the FUE hair transplant. The implantation of roots, hairline design, slit formation and the aesthetic planning is all same in both the techniques, except the extraction step that is followed by a strip excision, in the FUT or the follicular unit transplant, whereas the FUE caters the individual punching process for the individual graft extraction. The extraction process done by the strip excision in the FUT assures us about the permanent hair roots as the roots reside in these areas are resistant to the effect of the DHT-sensitivity. The FUE technique may or may not give you the permanent result because of the multiple punching processes that need aesthetic distance for every punching automatically reduces the donor area and bound a surgeon to target the extraction from the unsafe areas as well. Therefore, the result obtained in the FUE technique might not give you the permanent results.

  1. How long does it take to recover from Hair Transplant Surgery?

No matter what technique has been performed, the recovery can be resumed just from the very next day of the surgery. Both the FUT and FUE is a simple, safe, painless procedure and a patient can resume their daily works or routine life from the very next day of the procedure, except the strenuous activities that must be avoided for next two-three weeks post procedure.

  1. The Extra Care or Maintenance:

The procedure of hair transplant is a single surgical procedure that offers the permanent hair back and doesn’t require any kind of extra care or maintenance. Once you have received the procedure you do not need to follow extra care or maintenance as the transplanted hair grows normally and behave like normal hair. No need to follow medication and neither any harsh effect for the colouring of hair or perming.

  1. The Cost is primarily based on the Graft’s Number:

The cost of hair transplant is primarily based on the graft’s number that is considered as one of the most genuine ways to put the cost. The graft used for the implantation process charges the price as per graft cost in India generally ranges between 25-130 INR/ that is around one-fourth to the cost applicable in the nations like USA, UK, and UAE. The cost of the procedure is put on a lump sum basis if there is a requirement for a major number of grafts and thus it comes under the budget-cost option.


In the nutshell, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant is a sophisticated plastic and cosmetic surgery that requires an extreme artistic as well as the surgical precision in order to offer the best output of the procedure.

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