Here’s Why You Should Sign up as an Organ Donor
More than 100,000 people in the US are waiting for a transplant. Sadly, we don’t have as many donors. If organ donation is just a noble idea, why aren’t people signing up? Here’s comes a fact – Not many people know about it, and there are a bunch of myths surrounding organ donation. Organizations such as Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donation Network are working hard to make transplants happen, but without public support and awareness, there’s only this much that they can do.
In this post, we are sharing some of the solid reasons why you would want to become an organ donor.
- Because it is a great opportunity. Even if you don’t choose to be a living donor, you can save many lives after your death, and that’s an opportunity each of us should use. Keep in mind that these are people who are probably waiting for a transplant for months, or even years, and it takes a long time before they get any good news.
- Because more people are in need of organs. The number of patients in need of transplants is increasing continuously, and it is such a sad news that we don’t have enough donors in the US. In fact, new patients are added to the list every single day. You can make that difference.
- Because you are saving more than one life. Talk of opportunity¸ and you can save lives of as many as eight or more people after your death. In fact, you can give eyesight to two patients, and donate a long list of organs, including skin, along with tissues.
- Because becoming a living donor is not that hard. Yes, there are risks with a major surgery, but many friends, family members and strangers choose to be a living donor for saving a life. It is possible to donate on kidney, or a part of your liver and still lead a normal life. Your liver, in fact, grows back to its actual size.
- Because some states need more organ donors. That’s true. Some states are more in need of living donors and regular donors, and every time someone signs up, it reduces the burden on the network.
Finally, you can become a donor at almost any age. Even when you are past 50, you can choose to sign up, so it’s never really late to safe a life. Do the needful, sign up today!
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